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Presentation and critical debate of three episodes of the scalae series. ‘Trazas, trazos, trozos... de arquitectura‘, with Batlleiroig, Óscar Miguel Ares and BB + GGG architects’.


Enric Batlle (Batlleiroig), Óscar Miguel Ares and Toni Barceló with Gustau Gili Galfeti (BB + GGG architects), three architectural practices operating in alternative territories, with intense and recognized professional experience, continued with this session the series of meetings on aspects of professional precision and craft skills in architecture. They present, and then discuss, with an eye to their own craft, significant pieces of architecture and landscapes designed and built from their respective offices.

The session features a critical panel which, in the questions posed by Rosa Rull (BailoRull + ADD arquitectes), Beth Galí, Carlota Casanova (Loca Studio), Pere Fuertes (Director ETSAVallès UPC) and Irene de la Red (Director of the Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad), helps to explore specific aspects of the traces, lines and pieces of architecture presented in the session.


Curated by: Félix Arranz, Architect and editor.

Check the Video of the event here!

Location: CCCB Centro de Cultura

Contemporánea de Barcelona

Year: 2024

Organizers: Consejo Editorial-Industrial 2024 de SCALAE en colaboración con el CCCB, Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad y ETSAVallès UPC 

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