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Platja d'Aro is one of the most important tourist and second residence destinations in the province of Girona. The proposal is in keeping with the town’s goal of transitioning Dr. Fleming Avenue from being vehicle dominated to more pedestrian.

It seeks the revaluation of commercial spaces, greater use of local vegetation and recovery of the draining surface. Special attention is also given to recovering the original paving design, as part of the community’s collective memory.

P L A T J A  D ' A R O

Location: Avinguda Doctor Fleming, Platja d'Aro

Year: 2020

Architects: Inés de Rivera, Daniel Lorenzo,

 Nuria Salvado, Mireia Plà

LoCa Studio Architects Barcelona
LoCa Studio Architects Barcelona
LoCa Studio Architects Barcelona
LoCa Studio Architects Barcelona
LoCa Studio Architects Barcelona
LoCa Studio Architects Barcelona
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