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The 1st semester semester students explored the River Francolí from its source to the delta. Thus, they were required to follow the water to find the mills that time before made the water their moving source, and opportunity to regenerate the river borders. Secondly, they were conducted to Montblanc a medieval walled city, to, through interviews to the town neighbors, build a program that in a second phase, had to be transformed into a design with the potential to improve the city living conditions.

The 2nd semester started with the construction of “le petit cabanon” of Le Corbusier in 1:1 scale to foster team work and reinforce the students understanding of construction.

Once completed, students back to work to the Delta of the River Francolí. Assessment was to link the river with the coast through the urban environment and the industrial Port of Tarragona. An explorative team work that fostered the links between the industrial and urban landscapes, recognizing the city-port interface.



Year: 2014-2015

Location: Reus, Tarragona

University: EAR Escola Técnica Superior D'Arquitectura,  URV

Coordinator:Benedetta Rodeghiero

Professors: : Ernest Ferrer, Daniel lorenzo, Benedetta Rodeghiero, Josep Maria Solé

LoCa Studio Architects Barcelona
LoCa Studio Architects Barcelona
LoCa Studio Architects Barcelona
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