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FARMUNTANER  is a pharmacy located in the Barcelona district of Eixample since the beginning of the 20th century. The original space had never been refurbished before. The owner's first requirement was to increase the exhibition area, not adequate for current demand, and transform it into a brighter space.


The project doubles the original space at a low Budget rate (€600/m²) and provides the business with a new laboratory, offices, cloakroom, storage area, toilets and reception.


Different from archetypal pharmacies, the space, furniture and lighting invite customers to stay.

Our premise was the market differentiation achieved through the quality of the space and the service offered, and was also the client's original intention. Conservation of modernist elements links past and present, with the maintaining of neighbourhood ties and familiarity crucial to customer acceptance.


Location: Muntaner 83, Barcelona

Approx Budget: 110.000 €

Floor Area: 120 m2

Year:  2011

Collaborators: Pepe Ramos

Photography: Graph

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